
答案係錯. 答案是: the photograph of your home 是 object. 書是印錯.

Like 多是 transitive verb, 你知道 transitive verb 要 object
Like可以做 intransitive verb, 這種多是 informal 或口語
e.g. I can give you her phone number, if you like.


I like the photograph of your home.

Format: subject + main verb + object

I (pronoun) = subject
like  = transitive verb
the photograph of your home = object,  是 noun phrase

Noun phrase可以做 object.

Object 可以單字 noun, noun phrase 或 noun clause

I like mathematics. (noun)
I like my English teacher. (noun phrase)
I expect it’ll take long. (noun clause)

No offence to 意見者: aShlEy
the photograph of your home 不是 clause, 是 phrase
clause 不同 phrase, clause 一定有 verb.
我認同你說法, “外國人都唔識分析咁多”, 許多北美洲人連 tense分不清楚.
學習任何語言, 基本文法要學. 因為英語在香港人來說,是 second language, 每個語言有不同文法
usage 困難過 grammar, 無 rule 可跟, 無得解釋. 許多例外
有時文章內容, 流暢 (尤其用字) 重要過文法. 這是愚見.
Thank you for the sharing.



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